
Pharma Sources Insight第三期:聚焦2020中国制药行业发展现状

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PharmaSources.com平台制药行业原创内容电子汇编——《Pharma Sources Insight》第三期上线了!

2020年,在全球抗疫的背景下,制药行业在研发新冠疫苗及治疗方案等各方面都取得了突破性的进展。与此同时,疫情的发展影响到了全球制药行业从原料药生产、创新药研发乃至制药物流供应链的各个方面。本期Pharma Sources Insight旨在介绍2020年中国制药行业在原料药、肿瘤药物研发、基因工程及智能制造等领域的新趋势及药企研发进展,盘点国内制药行业重要领域的发展现状。

12月16日-18日,制药工业压轴盛会--CPhI & P-MEC China 2020展会将于上海新国际博览中心隆重举行。本期Pharma Sources Insight采访到其中3家优质参展商、他们同时也是PharmaSources.com线上平台会员,分别是:


Shandong Charming Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. under Pioneer Group


 Hiray pharmaceutical(Jingmen)Co.,LTD


InterMax Logistics Solution Limited

“Brand Story”品牌故事栏目中,他们将介绍各自企业的优势及特色产品,分享其在抗疫过程中如何克服重重困难,为客户提供解决方案的故事。

《Pharma Sources Insight》致力于为制药行业经历的每个重要亮点书写新的篇章。2020年,Pharma Sources Insight共推出了三期,主题分别为后疫情时代(Post-pandemic Future)、疗愈的征程(The Great Journey of Recovery)及制药中国说(The Pharma Landscape in China),收获了制药人的喜爱与支持。



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Pharma Sources Insight October 2020 focuses on the following topics:

Pharma Sources Insight October 2020 focuses on the following topics:


- Trends in China’s Pharmaceutical Industry in 2020

- Chinese APIs and Their Role in the World’s Pharmaceutical Industry

- Chinese Pharma Firms Can Support Africa Reduce Import Bill

- Insights Into the Oncology Landscape in China

- The Impact of the Human Genome Project on China Pharmaceutical Industry 20 Years Later

- A Comparison of Top Ten Best-Selling Oncology Drugs in China and the U.S. in 2019

- Which Will Go Further? Innovent or Junshi?

- Production Applications of Chinese New Drugs in 2020 H1: Five Class 1 New Chemical Drugs, Two Anti-PD-1 Monoclonal Antibodies and Two CAR T-Cell Products Applied for Production for the First Time

Brand Story

- PIONEER SPEED - Charming Fully Support All the Pharmaceutical Companies to Fight Against COVID-19

- Hiray Pharmaceutical, API CDMO and Antiviral API R&D Center

- An Opportunity for Pharmaceuticals Logistics During the Special Period : Cold Chain Rail Transport

Industry Insight

- A Smarter Pharma Industry: The Key to Addressing Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Previous Review

第一期 https://flbook.com.cn/c/5GrJTeke2j

第二期 https://flbook.mwkj.net/c/xm1raTzeBd

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